<< Back to Week 11 Update We’ve hit the 80 day mark! 80 days is typically my magic number for recovery. For me it takes about 80 days to see the affects of any major changes, medication, or to recover from a flare. And wouldn’t you know it, on day 79 I woke up and my bloating was dramatically reduced! It’s starting to react the way I was hoping it would on AIP – so I’m hoping that means I’m doing something right. I reintroduced collagen this week and the next morning my stomach was visibly much flatter. Now we just have to see if I can maintain it to…
AIP Diet
AIP DIET SERIES – Week 11 Overview – Reintroduction Phase
<< Back to Week 10 Update This week was largely a recovery week. I needed to recover from my work trip and luckily it was a holiday weekend so I was able to just relax. I did however reintroduce rice again and had a pretty poor reaction. This caused me to pause to check in with myself. I’m starting to get a little worried that my underlying issue could be my candida coming back. I’ve booked a check in appointment with my doctor just to touch base and see if she recommends any adjustments. I did decide to take a small break from onion and garlic just because those could…
I’ve been on the AIP DIET for the past few months to help reduce some chronic inflammation. These are all the recipes I followed and loved during the elimination phase! Not only were this recipes delicious and so fun to try out during AIP, but many of them have become staples that I’ll incorporate into my routine for some good anti inflammatory meals. I’ll also revert back to these recipes whenever my symptoms flare or I get glutened as a recovery strategy. I’m a fan of simple meals, so not all of these recipes are detailed – some are just simple instructions and you can customize as you see fit.…
AIP DIET SERIES – Week 10 Overview – Reintroduction Phase
<< Back to Week 9 Update This was the week of the dreaded work trip, and spoiler – it didn’t go great. As the trip approached I got more and more stressed about my food options. I initially had a plan to stay with AIP. However the complexity of high histamine threw that off course. After a couple of mental breakdowns I decide the best thing for me was to just make nut butter sandwiches, get some coconut yogurt for breakfast, and just do my best. I introduced almonds last week with a poor reaction but I decided that if I supplemented with my meals that I could pull through…
AIP DIET SERIES – Week 9 Overview – Reintroduction Phase
<< Back to Week 8 Update I started reintroducing foods last week (head back to week 8 to read what my process looks like) and have continued this week. I decided to reintroduce foods in a slightly different order so I can focus on low histamine foods. I’m starting to wonder if my histamine issue has more to do with my low stomach acid than the food itself. I’ve known that I have issues with low stomach acid for awhile – but like with most of my symptoms when I start to feel better I forget all about the causes, and then when the symptoms fluctuate I start from square…
AIP DIET SERIES – Week 8 Overview – Reintroduction Phase
AIP Diet Update Last week I had a histamine reaction right before we headed to the lake for a long weekend. I was disappointed and a little stressed because I had decided to make meals ahead of time, freeze them, and reheat them at the lake in order to stick to the AIP diet. That process isn’t ideal for histamine so I thought for sure I would feel like crap at the lake. But I started taking my DAO supplement and digestive bitters with meals again and that honestly made an incredible difference! I bounced back quickly and was feeling better than ever. Which really solidified to me that maybe…
AIP DIET SERIES – Week 7 Overview
AIP Diet Update This was a rough week. I had what I believe to be another histamine reaction. I made a dish with some left over coleslaw mix that probably was in my fridge too long for my stomach. It still looked and smelt fine but my stomach is highly sensitive to histamine, which grows quickly in cut veggies. I ate the meal and within an hour or so started feeling symptoms. I started to panic thinking I had been glutened but there is a distinct difference between the two for me. Most of week 7 of the AIP diet was spent recovering from that and going into week 8…
AIP DIET SERIES – Week 6 Overview
AIP Diet Update Not too much to update this week, pretty much feeling the same as last week. The AIP diet is starting to help my symptoms. However, my hip is feeling a little bit tighter so I’ve decided to see a pelvic floor specialist again just to make sure I’m not overlooking underlying issues that might be contributing to my pain. << Back to Week 5 AIP Diet Menu For the Week My menu was really similar this week. It was the end of the month so I chose budget friendly options that I already had some ingredients for. I also picked up some giant zucchini at the farmers…
AIP DIET SERIES – Week 5 Overview
AIP Diet Update Week 5 of the AIP diet was challenging for me. Maintaining such a strict diet and on top of the typical life stressors is a lot. But I’m taking it in stride and focusing on what I can control while prioritizing my physical and mental health. << Back to Week 4 Stress I’ve been dealing with stress in all directions this week. Our AC unit has gone out multiple times which caused stress and some sleepless night due to the heat. There’s so much I want to do and I simply don’t have enough time and that causes me a lot of stress. Stress is a key…
AIP DIET SERIES – Week 4 Overview
AIP Diet Update I’m starting to feel a difference!! This AIP diet is no joke, but I’m glad I’d starting to see some progress. I felt by far the most improvement this week. My leg is doing better and it doesn’t hurt to walk as much anymore. Now my hip feels bruised instead of tight or pulled. (trust me, it’s a major improvement) I’m also getting into a better routine and having more energy throughout the day. I’m still struggling to fall asleep quickly and wake rested, but there’s improvement. << Back To Week 3 CBG & THC This week I started taking my CBG and THC again. CBG is…